Friday, September 28, 2012

Back to Scrapping

So I've been getting back into scrapping again, and I decided to do a fun template challenge over at Shabby Princess.  I love her stuff, so it was easy.  Below is my layout created with her Bella kit, and if you want to play along you can head over to and play too!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nails nails nails

So the past few days have been busy, but I still managed to try out a little more water marbling. Before I hit the hay I just thought I'd post some pics.





Monday, September 17, 2012

Close ups

So I thought I'd post some close ups of how those nails look in better light :)





Water marbling - second try

So I decided to give it a second go tonight and I decided on a silver base with teal and sheer glitter swirls. The sheer allows the silver to show through. They're not totally cleaned up yet, the rest of the polish will come off my fingers when I wash my hands, but I'm too tired to fully clean them up right now. Lol. Anyways, I quite like how they turned out.



Sunday, September 16, 2012

My first try at water marbling

So this will be quick, since I have to go to work but I thought I'd show my first try at water marbleing for me nails



Friday, September 14, 2012

Taking a Look Back

So today I decided to do a few more recent digi scrapbooking layouts to get printed for our front wall above the tv.  Now, I havent scrapped a page in at least a couple years now, and it turns out its like riding a bike.  Your fingers remember the photoshop commands even if your brain doesnt and they just do what you need them to on their own.  So I headed over to Sweet Shoppe Designs, where I loved back when I was a hardcore scrapbooker, and picked out a camping kit and a road trip kit and created these four layouts to frame and hang up on our empty front wall.

I sent them off to Costco to be printed, they have the best prices, only $2.99 per 12x12.  Everywhere else is around $5.00 per print at that size.  I'm sending my mom to pick them up for me when theyre ready.  I frame them in cheap $12 frames from Michaels.  Plain black metal and they do the trick.  This was the first full day I have spent in this place with nothing to unpack, nowhere that i HAD to go, nothing i HAD to do.  I just picked up a few things from Walmart and hung out around here before Kev suggested we go out to dinner.  We ate at the new location of Original Joes near our house and I can tell you, it was amazing.  I had whole wheat cheese tortellini alfredo.  It was delicious!  I'm now just back to watching the second season of Blue Water High, although I think i'm going to have a look and see what kind of movies are on.  I'm getting a bit tired, which is strange since I slept til noon, but I think a movie on the couch before heading to bed sounds just about right.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lets try this again...

So as soon as I hit publish on this post previously, it deleted it. So lets try this all over again.

A year and a half ago I tried Netflix.  I was totally dissapointed.  It was basically a list of things I had never even heard of and didn't want to see.  So i cancelled it.  And wrote it off.  But since we moved to a place where we have no access to Shaw on Demand anymore I needed to look for something else.  So I decided to try and give it another shot.  And boy has it improved.  There are an absolute ton of movies and tv shows I want to watch now! So i searched through and found a show i'd never heard of called Blue Water High (or something like that).  Its an Australian teen show about a group of young surfers who get to go to a prestigious surfing academy.  I started watching it and had it in the background ALL DAY! I think i'm on episode 12 now, lol.   And while I was watching I decided to paint my keys, and make them identifiable.  I painted the top of each key white so that the colour I picked for the base would show up nicely.  I painted one key green (Essie - Mojito Madness) with turquoise (sally hansen nail art pen - turquoise) swirls, glitter top coat (OPI - I juggle... Men) and a glow in the dark coating (Wet n Wild Fantasy Makers - Night Glow) and Sally Hansen Insta Dri topcoat.   I then took some zip dry crafting glue and glued some little pink heart gems onto the key.  For the 2nd key I started with a base of a shimmery hot pink (Rimmel 60 Seconds Extreme - Shocker) and and a thin coat of a sheer pink with holographic glitters (OPI Katy Perry - Teenage Dream) and hearts drawn with the turqoise nail art pen.  A layer of insta-dri to finish off the key and I was done.  It took me a couple hours with all the waiting for each layer to completely dry before moving on (and waiting is not my strong suit. lol).  I think they turned out pretty awesome actually, and I can change them up whenever I want with one of my many many nail polishes.

On another topic, My dog seems to be holding a grudge against me for moving out.  We went to my parents place for dinner tonight (and to drop off laundry, lol. Two birds, one stone) and as soon as she saw it was me at the door she turned and walked away.  For the rest of the night she ignored me everytime I called her, turned away, and walked the other direction every time I went towards her.  That dog can certainly hold a grudge, and it sucks.  She's such a cutie, and I miss Scruffy so much, I wish she wasnt so mad at me for moving out.  I could really use her hugs and cuddles, but nope.  She won't let me near her.  I guess i'll just bring her a treat next time I go over and hope food will fix her mood and make her like me again. lol.

I watched the Glee premiere tonight, and man it was so good!!! Rachel's dance teacher is freaking hilarious and I'm so glad Kurt moved to New York!!! I'm sad Mercedes isn't there anymore, or Finn, or Quinn, or Puckerman or Santana, but the new girl is pretty cool, and I love her lunchlady mom.  Sue still has her bite, despite being a mom, and the new Quinn Fabray is a real B****, and a racist, along with her football team lackeys.  And my opinions of Puckerman's half brother are on hold for now, he definitely has issues but I'm not sure which way its going to go, am I going to like him or hate him? Who the hell knows at the moment.  The rest of the original glee club members are awesome, and Younique is now a full time glee member at their school which I'm totally psyched about!! I love him, he's so awesome, and kind of takes over Mercedes place since he is often in drag.   Overall I have high hopes for this season of glee, which will have probably been a challenge for the writers with half the cast gone. So far so good.

Dance moms.  I'm so sad its over.  I love dance moms.  I love Chloe and Christy, and Abby is scary but funny at times.  Maddie is starting to get on my nerves, but Mackenzie just keeps getting better.  I'm so glad Nia is getting more consistently better and higher on the pyramid. I'm excited to see what the new season brings, and the only good thing about dance moms being over for the season is the fact that Dance moms Miami should be starting up soon! I'm so glad to see more of Mia Diaz.

Army Wives. From what i can see online, it looks like this show has gotten the go ahead for 10 more episodes.  I'm soooooo hoping this is true. This show is truly awesome and needs to come back.

So thats it for tonight.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Life - Narrated by David Attenborough, NOT Oprah Winfrey

I'm home sick today, with a flu or horrible horrible cold, I'm not sure which.  But while laying on the couch I had heard about another BBC documentary series that I can not believe I hadn't already seen.  It's rare for me to come across one I haven't watched a hundred times, but this one looks totally great.  It has the trademark amazing cinematography, and the classic David Attenborough naration and it's separated into 10 episodes, which means I can skip the one where animals hunt each other, as I can't handle seeing that when I'm well, let alone sick.  But on a day when I'm not feeling well, I can't think of a better thing to throw on the computer while i lay on the couch and rest up.  If you like documentaries, animals, and educational television you should really check this out!  By the way, it comes in two versions,  The original (cover pictured below) narrated by David Attenborough, and the American Version (with a cover with Life written in reds and oranges, an undoubtedly better and prettier cover) narrated by Oprah Winfrey.  From what I have heard the Oprah version is terrible.  While the film is the same, she narrates it like a child's bedtime story and says laughable things that seem to remove the educational documentaryness of the series like "heeeere comes the fox! UH OH!!" when there's a fox chasing a baby ibex, and "hunting crab seals is toooo much work!" If you ask me, you should always look for the BBC version, because at least David Attenborough knows what he is talking about, and not just reading from a watered down script changed to layman's terms. I've put some stills from the series below (courtesy of the Amazon listing for this series - Click here if you want to check it out), and I highly recommend watching these if you love animal shows and nature documentaries like I do.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome to my life

Welcome to my life, sometimes crazy, sometimes boring, sometimes opinionated, and often rushed. And like the average day, I have lost track of time and realized I have 20 minutes til I have to leave for work and I am not even dressed! Lol, so off to the closet to find something to wear, and then to my hillbilly shoe storage for shoes that I can actually wear to work. My guilty pleasure Disney shows are on the tv and Kevin is still sleeping. The front room of our new place is still partially filled with boxes (although all mine are unpacked, so I don't think they count lol). The hecticness of the past couple weeks is starting to fade, and I decided to start this blog to show what life is REALLY like for 20somethings just starting out, it's not all trips to Disneyland and homemade soup and homemade bread for dinner every night. So with that I'm going to run and get dressed for another day at work. Nothing more needs to be said about that, lol. Ta ta
